Natural Pink Diamond Ring 天然粉紅鑽石戒指
Natural Pink Diamond Ring
G.I.A. Certified. Center piece is a piece of over half carat , fancy intense pink pear shape brilliant cut diamond .
As well as 2 pieces half carat pear shape brilliant cut diamond .
The design elements inspired by feather and color contrast . Not just the center color diamond piece but also the setting .
The ring pattern is beautiful as a painting . But Just illustrated by diamonds instead of canvas and oil .
G.I.A 認證 主石是由一顆超過0.50卡拉的濃郁粉紅色鑽石,配搭兩粒共 超過0.50卡拉的梨形鑽石配搭而成。
名家珠寶 仍然喜愛採用大自然中豐富的元素,這次的作品透過輕盈的羽毛造型 滲透出翩翩起舞的動態,令佩戴的客人舉手投足之間也流露出高貴而優雅的感覺。